Inge Peeze – Nightshift


Nightshift /  Nachtdienst
70 x 70 cm
oilpainting on linen


In the lobby and Nightshift could easily be in the same building.

Waiting for your appointment with the medical staff, killing the time by reading, your mobile phone at hand, ready to answer. Art in large spaces can have a healing effect. E.g. the beautiful matching painting in a painting in this lobby. The plant is called Monstera deliciosa. The light is, as it were, composed in three concentric circles with large areas of shad under the furniture. Deceptive simplicity, sublime. In Nightshift you see the plant Ficus Lurata, commonly knowns as fiddle leaf plant or in Dutch: tobacco plant. The stiff and yet supple fabric of the uniform in many shades of white is in contrast with the many shades of gray in the building opposite. Knowing that in darkness nothing has a color, she can be a light in your existence.

Inge wants us to make our own story, seeing her paintings. So here’s ours. What would be yours?

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Inge Peeze